Taxonomy and geographic distribution of Meloe (Eurymeloe) saharensis Chobaut, 1898 (Coleoptera, Meloidae), with new synonymies and first records for Europe and Macaronesia


  • J. L. Ruiz Instituto de Estudios Ceutíes
  • M. A. Bologna Dipartimento di Biologia Ambientale. Università degli Studi “Roma Tre”
  • M. García-París Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. CSIC



Taxonomy, Morphology, Meloidae, Meloe saharensis, Meloe vignai, New Sinonymy, Meloe otini, Meloe marianii, Mediterranean Region, Arid zones, Northern Africa, Spain


A small group of species of the genus Meloe related to M. saharensis Chobaut, 1898 stands out amongst the rarest species of the family Meloidae in the Mediterranean Basin. The taxonomic study of nine specimens (including type material of M. saharensis, M. otini Peyerimhoff, 1949 and M. vignai Bologna, 1990), allows us to conclude that previously reported specific differences between M. saharensis, M. otini and M. marianii Kaszab, 1983, particularly the appearance of the metanotum, fall within the variability of a single species. The study of a broader set of characters, including male genitalia, does not contribute to the separation of taxa except for M. vignai. Consequently, we propose the formal synonymy of M. marianii (syn. nov.) and M. otini (syn. nov.) with M. saharensis, and therefore this species complex is reduced to two taxa: M. saharensis and M. vignai. Specimens examined allow us to assign a broad geographic range to M. saharensis, which extends from Israel and Saudi Arabia to the Canary Islands (Tenerife), with presence in southeastern Spain and most of the northern African countries (Egypt, Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco). Despite its antiquity, dating back more than 80 years, the record of M. saharensis in Murcia represents the first known data about its presence in Europe.


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How to Cite

Ruiz JL, Bologna MA, García-París M. Taxonomy and geographic distribution of Meloe (Eurymeloe) saharensis Chobaut, 1898 (Coleoptera, Meloidae), with new synonymies and first records for Europe and Macaronesia. Graellsia [Internet]. 2010Jun.30 [cited 2025Feb.24];66(1):85-96. Available from:



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