On the geographic distribution of Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) aegyptiacus Stolfa, 1938 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): first record from Atlantic Sahara (southwestern Morocco)





geographic distribution, habitat, Atlantic Sahara, Morocco, arid zones, Scarabaeus aegyptiacus, water cistern


Scarabaeus aegyptiacus is a species widely distributed from the Arabian Peninsula to Morocco, occupying mainly arid and desert regions. Despite its wide geographic range, the number of known localities is very low (ten locations) and its populations seem apparently fragmented and spaced. During a recent field survey in southwestern Morocco, we found a population of S. aegyptiacus in a rocky steppe (hamada) near Msied (Tan-Tan province, Guelmin-Smara region), which constitutes the first record from Atlantic Sahara and extends about 1000 km to the southwest its known distribution. The specimens were found in a water cistern (“matfiya” in the local language), infrastructure that acts as a deadly trap for many animals, especially reptiles, amphibians and epigean arthropods, whose negative effect on invertebrate communities has not yet been evaluated. Chorological information of the species is synthesized and data on the habitat are provided.


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How to Cite

Ruiz JL, Yubero S, García-Cardenete L. On the geographic distribution of Scarabaeus (Scarabaeus) aegyptiacus Stolfa, 1938 (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae): first record from Atlantic Sahara (southwestern Morocco). Graellsia [Internet]. 2017Jun.30 [cited 2024May18];73(1):e056. Available from: https://graellsia.revistas.csic.es/index.php/graellsia/article/view/554


