Contribution to the knowledge of caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Andalusia


  • Antonio Ruiz-García Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturales (Zoología)
  • Marta Sáinz-Bariáin Departamento de Zoología. Universidad de Granada
  • Carmen Zamora-Muñoz Departamento de Zoología. Universidad de Granada



check-list, biogeography, South Iberian Peninsula, distribution, chorology, caddisflies


Based on a comprehensive literature review and new data in this study it states that the number of species of caddisflies registered in Andalusia amounts to 136, included in 53 genera and 17 families. This number accounts for around 38% of the species recorded in the Iberian Peninsula. Catagapetus mclachlani and Oxyethira falcata are new records for Andalusia, as well as Beraea genera. Moreover, the presence of Stenophylax permistus has been confirmed. Besides a new species of Hydropsyche, another of Helicopsyche, and a possible new species of Agapetus are recorded. The most abundant families are Hydroptilidade (18%), Limnephilidae (17%), Leptoceridae (13%) and Hydropsychidae (13%). This update lists 86 new provincial records, significantly improving the inventory of the provinces of Granada, Jaén, Málaga and Seville. The caddisflies in the provinces of Huelva and Almería are barely known, especially the first. The biogeographical study conducted among the eight geographical units shows three distinct domains: Sierra Morena, Betic system and the Guadalquivir River Valley. However, the fauna of the Serranía de Ronda and Campo de Gibraltar seems to depart from this model, showing greater similarity to the Sierra Morena. The Andalusian fauna of caddisflies is mainly composed of elements of European origin (over 50%) and endemism (42%), of which 60% are unique to Andalusia. These data show that, within the Iberian Peninsula, this region stands out as an important area of refuge and speciation center for caddisflies.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-García A, Sáinz-Bariáin M, Zamora-Muñoz C. Contribution to the knowledge of caddisflies (Insecta: Trichoptera) from Andalusia. Graellsia [Internet]. 2016Dec.30 [cited 2024Jul.27];72(2):e048. Available from:



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