On some features of the biology of the red snail-nesting bee, Rhodanthidium sticticum (Fabricius, 1787): phenology, flower preference, use of shells, flight ability and territorial behavior





Rhodanthidium sticticum, Megachilidae, Hymenoptera, behaviour, nesting, territoriality


The ecological and behavioural aspects of most Mediterranean bees (phenology, solitary or social behaviour, mating, territoriality, nesting and plant specialization) are still poorly known or have not been described in depth, besides a few species. That is the case of the red snail-nesting bee, Rhodanthidium sticticum (Hymenoptera, Megachilidae), a Mediterranean, solitary and territorial species whose biology has been described very superficially. Here, we deal with its phenology, use of snail shells other than for nesting, plant visitation and polylecty, flight ability, territoriality and mating. These results are based on our own field observations. The biology of R. sticticum is similar to that of other Anthidiini. It is a spring species, univoltine, active during sunny days, in the central hours. During adverse weather conditions it can be found sheltering inside snail shells, several individual sharing the same shell. Despite its polylecty, it shows preference for melittophilous plants, especially from the genus Antirrhinum. Males defend their territories against other conspecific males and individuals of other species, as a way of ensuring their own reproductive success.


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How to Cite

Romero D, Vargas P, Ornosa C. On some features of the biology of the red snail-nesting bee, Rhodanthidium sticticum (Fabricius, 1787): phenology, flower preference, use of shells, flight ability and territorial behavior. Graellsia [Internet]. 2021Dec.2 [cited 2024Jul.22];77(2):e146. Available from: https://graellsia.revistas.csic.es/index.php/graellsia/article/view/672



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