New records of the Chinese turtles Mauremys reevesii (Gray, 1831) and Mauremys sinensis (Gray, 1834) (Testudines, Geoemydidae) in southern Spain




pet trade, turtles, naturalisation, invasion, hybridisation


The trade of freshwater turtles as pets and their eventual release or escape has led to new naturalized alien species that eventually form invasive populations in aquatic ecosystems. The import of alien Mauremys spp. species implies a new threat to the conservation of aquatic ecosystems, due to their ability to hybridise with the native species Mauremys leprosa. In this work, 16 new records of naturalised specimens of the Asian turtles Mauremys reevesii and Mauremys sinensis in Andalusia (southern Spain) are documented. Most of them (13) were found in artificial aquatic environments associated with urban areas, although the rest were found in protected natural areas sharing the habitat with natural populations of M. leprosa. These new records recreate the pattern of sale-release-naturalization-invasion that has already occurred with other alien turtle species. The number of alien Mauremys specimens imported into Spain (more than 100,000 since 2006) suggests that the current number of naturalised specimens could be much higher than reported in publications.


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How to Cite

González de la Vega JP, García-de-Lomas J, Rodríguez-Andrés JL. New records of the Chinese turtles Mauremys reevesii (Gray, 1831) and Mauremys sinensis (Gray, 1834) (Testudines, Geoemydidae) in southern Spain. Graellsia [Internet]. 2021Jul.15 [cited 2024Jul.22];77(2):e142. Available from:




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