A survey of epigeic arthropods in urban-influenced coastal environments near to El Altet, southeastern Spain





Coastal environments, epigeic arthropods, fragmentation, psammophilous beetles, urbanization, Western Mediterranean


A preliminary study to characterize epigeic arthropod assemblages was conducted in urban-influenced coastal environments near to El Altet town (Alicante, Spain), including grey dune, heath dune, yellow dune and ruderal vegetation. For such purpose, a series of diversity metrics and multivariate analysis were performed based on a survey conducted since November 2004 to March 2005. Ruderal vegetation habitat (RV) had greater abundance and low diversity of epigeic arthropods, as well as predominance of synanthropic taxa, mainly Dermaptera (Forficulidae) and Isopoda (Armadillidae, Porcellionidae). In contrast, yellow dune habitat (YD) had intermediate abundance and low diversity, with predominance of psammophilous Coleoptera, particularly Tenebrionidae. While, heath and grey dunes habitats (HD+GD) had low abundance and high diversity, with native Chrysomelidae and Tenebrionidae as the most representative taxa.


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How to Cite

Giraldo-Mendoza AE. A survey of epigeic arthropods in urban-influenced coastal environments near to El Altet, southeastern Spain. Graellsia [Internet]. 2021May24 [cited 2024Jul.27];77(1):e131. Available from: https://graellsia.revistas.csic.es/index.php/graellsia/article/view/648



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