Update of the checklist of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Cuyas cloud forest, Ayabaca-Piura region, Peru





Coleoptera, update, distribution, montane forests, Ayabaca, Piura


We update the checklist of beetles from the Cuyas cloud forest, an important montane forest on the western slope of the Andes in Ayabaca province, Piura region, northwest of Peru based on specimen collecting and a review of the material deposited in entomological collections. 31 species, 23 genera, five families are added and we complete the identification to species level for 14 genera in the previous checklist, increasing the current taxonomic diversity to 81 species, 70 genera, 21 families and two suborders. Family Scarabaeidae and genera Epilachna Chevrolat, 1837, Astylus Laporte de Castelnau, 1836 and Golofa Hope, 1837 are the most species-rich. Genera Dercylus Laporte de Castelnau, 1832, Platynus Bonelli, 1810, Dyscolus Dejean, Platydracus Thomson, 1858, Belonuchus Bordmann, 1837, Stenocrates Burmeister, 1847 and Mycotretus Lacordaire, 1842 are new records for the Piura region. The species considered in this update are presented as a commented taxonomic list including collection data for each species.


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How to Cite

Juárez-Noé G, González-Coronado U. Update of the checklist of beetles (Insecta: Coleoptera) of Cuyas cloud forest, Ayabaca-Piura region, Peru. Graellsia [Internet]. 2021May11 [cited 2024Jul.22];77(1):e126. Available from: https://graellsia.revistas.csic.es/index.php/graellsia/article/view/644



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