The dusty-wings from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands (Insecta: Neuropterida, Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae)


  • Víctor J. Monserrat Departamento de Zoología y Antropología Física. Facultad de Biología, Universidad Complutense



Insecta, Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae, Revision, Taxonomy, Faunistics, Biology, Morphology, Iberian Peninsula, Balearic Islands, Spain, Portugal


The present contribution revises the dusty-wings species present in the fauna of the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands where, to date, is represented by 39 species belonging to 8 genera. Based on the known general data, a diagnosis of the family and its paleontological history and distribution is given, and there are exposed some general data on its morphology and biology, juvenile stages and behavior, and is commented a brief introduction on the history in the knowledge of the family, and in particular on the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands fauna. Coniopteryx (Holoconiopteryx) tullgreni Tjeder, 1930 sp. reval, is proposed as as a real valid species, Helicoconis bachi n.sp. is described as a new species, and our criterion on the validity of Coniopteryx parthenia (Nav.s & Marcet, 1910) (sensu Meinander, 1972a) as a real vallid species against Coniopteryx hoelzeli (sensu Günter, 1993) is reasoned, discussed and argued. All are included in a list of the species belonging to their fauna, an imagoes identification key of the subfamilies, genera and species recorded in the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands, and a key, at genera level, of their larval stages. For every one of these species are compiled and annotated all the existing bibliographic references, relating to the species present in the studied area, both with the currently accepted name, their synonyms and/or any other nomenclatural combinations under which they have been recorded. Of each species is also detailed the present general distribution is known, and now are given new recorded data (1.800 new specimens of 32 species), and its external and/or genital morphology, as well as their variability, juvenile stages, biology, phenology and altitudinal and geographic distribution in the Peninsula and Balearic Archipelago are compilled, on the basis of 12.215 studied specimens.


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Navás, L., 1918b. Insecta nova. IV Series. Memorie dell'Accademia Pontifica dei Nuovi Lincei, 4: 13-23.

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New, T. R., 1989. Planipennia, Lacewings. Handbuch der Zoologie, 4(30): 1-132.

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Nielsen, E. S., 1977. En undersøgelse af netvingefaunaen (Neuroptera s. str.) i en dansk bøgeskov. Entomologiske Meddelelser, 45: 45-64.

Nielsen, E. S., 1979. Establishing of synonymy between Helicoconis hirtinervis Tjeder, 1960 and Helicoconis cimbrica Ohm 1965, with description of the larvae (Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae). Nota: Según Meinander (1990: 91) este artículo ha circulado como manuscrito, pero nunca fue publicado.

Obenberger, J., 1958. XXVI. Rad Neuroptera--Hmyz sitokridly. Entomologie, 4: 428-538.

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Ohm, P., 1965. Beiträge zur Kenntnis der Gattung Helicoconis Enderlein 1905 (Neuroptera Coniopterygidae) nebst Diagnose zweier neuer Arten aus dem schweizerischen Nationalpark. Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen im schweizerischen Nationalpark, 10: 171-207.

Ohm, P., 1968. Vorläufige Beschreibung einer neuen europäischen Aleuropteryx-Art (Neuroptera, Coniopterygidae). Entomologisches Nachrichtenblatt, 15: 12-15.

Ohm, P., 1973a. Zwei neue Coniopterygiden-Arten aus Südwesteuropa (Planipennia, Coniopterygidae). Reichenbachia, 14: 237-243.

Ohm, P. 1973b. Durch die Forstwirtschaft ermöglichte Vergrösserung der Verbreitungsareale nadelholzbewohnender Netzflügler (Neuroptera, Planipennia). Faunistisch-Ökologische Mitteilungen, 4:299-304.

Ohm, P., 1984. Rote Liste der Netzflügler (Neuroptera). In: J. Blab, E. Nowak, W. Trautmann, H. Sukopp (eds.). Rote liste der gefährdeten Tiere und Pflanzen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (4. Auflage. Erweiterte Neubearbeitung). Kilda-Verlag. Steinfurt: 73-75.

Ohm, P., 1986. Eine neue Parasemidalis-Art von den Kanarischen Inseln: Parasemidalis similis n.sp. (Planipennia: Coniopterygidae). Entomologische Zeitschrift, 96, 22: 327-331.

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Ohm, P. & Hölzel, H., 1984. Zur Zoogeographie der Neuropteren auf den Mittelatlantischen Inseln eine erste übersicht (Insecta: Planipennia). Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 71: 79-86.

Ohm, P. & Hölzel, H., 1999. Die Coniopterygiden-Gattung Semidalis Enderlein auf den Mittelatlantischen Inseln (Neuropteroidea: Planipennia: Coniopterygidae). Reichenbachia, 33(30): 231-237.

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How to Cite

Monserrat VJ. The dusty-wings from the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands (Insecta: Neuropterida, Neuroptera: Coniopterygidae). Graellsia [Internet]. 2016Dec.30 [cited 2024Jul.22];72(2):e047. Available from:



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