Description of the ova and ovipositional strategies of six sterrhine taxa from Madrid, including comparative data with other species of this subfamily (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Sterrhinae)


  • Gareth Edward King Departamento de Biología (Zoología), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
  • José Luis Viejo Montesinos Departamento de Biología (Zoología), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid



Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Sterrhinae, ova, morphology, biology, egg positioning


Original data are presented which describe ova of the following six taxa in the Sterrhinae Meyrick, 1892: Idaea litigiosaria (Boisduval, 1840), Idaea sericeata calvaria Wehrli, 1927, Idaea ochrata albida (Zerny, 1936), Idaea incisaria (Staudinger, 1892), Idaea cervantaria (Millière, 1869) and >em>Scopula (Glossotrophia) asellaria dentatolineata Wehrli, 1926. Subsequent analysis of SEM imaging provides data related to the chorion structure, as well as that associated with the strategies adopted by females at oviposition under laboratory conditions; comparative data are provided of other European sterrhines.


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How to Cite

King GE, Viejo Montesinos JL. Description of the ova and ovipositional strategies of six sterrhine taxa from Madrid, including comparative data with other species of this subfamily (Lepidoptera: Geometridae: Sterrhinae). Graellsia [Internet]. 2016Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.22];72(1):e041. Available from:



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