Some additions and corrections to the Coleoptera fauna of the Canary Islands


  • Antonio Machado



New synonym, Nomen dubium, Canary Islands, Endomychidae, Silphidae, Anthribidae, Coffee bean weevil, Introduced species


Two endomychid species described from El Hierro (Canary Islands) are removed from the Canarian fauna: Dapsa hierrensis Franz, 1976 is a synonym of Archipines intricata (Gorham, 1889), nov. syn., and the single specimen (holotype) was probably collected in Central America. Dapsa curta Franz, 1976 is also poorly described and based on a single female. Without a male it is not possible to assess with full confidence if it belongs to the African genus Danae or more probably to the Oriental genus Tragoscelis, and to which species. It is for sure not a Dapsa and its Canarian origin relates probably to another labeling error of the author, who also collected in Borneo, where this latter genus is present with 5 species. Consequently, Dapsa curta Franz, 1996 is proposed as nomen dubium. Furthermore, three genera are recorded for the Canaries for the first time: Silpha puncticollis Lucas, 1854 (Silphidae), the coffee bean borer Araecerus fasciculatus (DeGeer, 1775), and Bruchela rufipes (Olivier, 1790) both Anthribidae. Only the latter species can be considered as native; the other two are introduced recently and the Coffee bean weevil could become a pest.


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How to Cite

Machado A. Some additions and corrections to the Coleoptera fauna of the Canary Islands. Graellsia [Internet]. 2014Jun.30 [cited 2024Jul.22];70(1):e005. Available from:


