Notas / Notes


Predation of Rhinella crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1821) (Anura: Bufonidae) by giant water bug Lethocerus grandis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae)

Kaíque Ferreira de Macedo1,*, Clodoaldo Lopes Assis2, Anderson Marcos de Oliveira3 & Renato Neves Feio4

1 Museu de Zoologia João Moojen, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Vila Gianetti, nº 32, 36570-900 - Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Email: — ORCID iD:

2 Museu de Zoologia João Moojen, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Vila Gianetti, nº 32, 36570-900 - Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Email: — ORCID iD:

3 Museu de Zoologia João Moojen, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Vila Gianetti, nº 32, 36570-900 - Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Email: — ORCID iD:

4 Museu de Zoologia João Moojen, Departamento de Biologia Animal, Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Vila Gianetti, nº 32, 36570-900 - Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil

Email: — ORCID iD:

* Corresponding author:



Knowing the trophic links between species is essential to understand their functions in the ecosystem. In this work, we report the first predation record of Rhinella crucifer by the giant water bug Lethocerus grandis. Even though most Brazilian anurans preyed by giant water bugs are smaller than this insect, a larger body size of this predator together with its anesthesic saliva may provide conditions for the subjugation of larger prey.

Keywords: aquatic insects; Brazil; natural history; toad.



Depredación de Rhinella crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1821) (Anura: Bufonidae) por el insecto de agua gigante Lethocerus grandis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae)

Conocer los enlaces tróficos entre especies es fundamental para comprender sus funciones en el ecosistema. Aquí, reportamos el primer registro de depredación de Rhinella crucifer por el insecto acuático Lethocerus grandis. Aunque la mayoría de los anuros brasileños depredados por la chinche acuática gigante son más pequeños que este insecto, un tamaño corporal más grande de este depredador junto con su saliva anestésica, puede proporcionar condiciones para la subyugación de presas mayores.

Palabras clave: insectos acuáticos; Brasil; historia natural; sapo.


Recibido/Received: 27/05/2021; Aceptado/Accepted: 06/10/2021; Publicado en línea/Published online: 02/12/2021

Citation / Cómo citar este artículo: Macedo, K.F. de, Assis, C.L., Oliveira, C.M. de & Feio, R.N. 2021. Predation of Rhinella crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1821) (Anura: Bufonidae) by giant water bug Lethocerus grandis (Linnaeus, 1758) (Hemiptera: Belostomatidae). Graellsia, 77(2): e151.

Copyright: © 2021 SAM & CSIC. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) License.







Appendix 1

Some characteristics of anuran amphibians vary among Neotropical communities, such as abundance, biomass and body-size. Anurans also go through vulnerable periods in their life cycle, which makes them a fundamental group in trophic webs (Wilbur, 1997; Whiles et al., 2006).

In addition to preying on many types of organisms, anurans also serve as prey to a wide variety of potential predators on land or water, including vertebrates and invertebrates (Toledo, 2005). Among invertebrate predators, the hemipteran family Belostomatidae Leach, 1815 (Hemiptera Linnaeus, 1754) includes species of giant water bugs, a group of carnivorous insects that are distributed widely throughout the world (Ribeiro, 2005). These insects vary in size from medium to large (55 to 85 mm) and act as regulators in aquatic communities through predation (Ribeiro, 2005; Ohba, 2019). Predation by belostomatid insects upon adult bufonids is rare, with two known records for Brazil: one of an adult Rhinella ornata (Spix, 1824) being preyed upon by a Lethocerus grandis Linnaeus, 1758 on the north coast of the state of São Paulo (Haddad & Bastos, 1997), and one of an adult Rhinella mirandariberoi (Gallardo, 1965) preyed upon by a Letocherus annulipes (Herrich Schaeffer, 1845) in the municipality of João Pinheiro, state of Minas Gerais (Valencia-Zuleta et al., 2020).

Seeking to expand knowledge of such interactions, herein we report a new predation record of a Lethocerus grandis preying upon an adult Rhinella crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1821). We also provide a list of anuran species predated by giant water bugs of the family Belostomatidae in Brazil. We compiled the list by performing searches of the Google Scholar database (, using as keywords “Lethocerus grandis AND predat AND Rhinella crucifer” OR “Belostomatidae AND predat AND anuran AND Brazil”. We then checked the references of the recovered manuscripts, looking for additional records of predation events.

The predation event (Fig. 1) reported here was seen at 18:10 h during field work on 23 July 2019, when one of us (CLA) observed an adult Rhinella crucifer with snout-vent length (SVL) of 70 mm, being preyed upon by a Lethocerus grandis (99.2 mm). This interaction took place in a small artificial pond used for fish farming in the municipality of São Francisco do Glória, Minas Gerais, southeastern Brazil (20°48’20” S, 42°19’35” W; 515 m; Datum WGS 84). The site is located in a highly anthropized landscape within the Atlantic Forest biome, with a predominantly pasture matrix. At the observation moment, the air and water temperature were 14ºC and 17ºC, respectively. The toad was alive and struggling at the water surface near the edge of the pond. The giant water bug was positioned on the dorsum of the toad, with the limbs fixed on its ventral region, and the proboscis inserted in its left eye (Fig. 1A). After approximately 20 minutes of observation, both specimens (insect and anuran) were collected. The toad died during transport, and was fixed in formalin 10%, stored in ethanol 70%, and housed at Coleção Herpetológica do Museu de Zoologia João Moojen, of Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Minas Gerais, Brazil (MZUFV 19511). The anuran was identified as R. crucifer by the presence of a fringe on the ventral surface of the tarsus (Baldissera Jr et al., 2004). The giant water bug was identified as L. grandis due to its large body size (total length greater than 85 mm), large anterior tarsal claws as long or longer than the sum of the lengths of both anterior tarsal segments measured externally, and anterior femur slightly longer than the posterior femur (Ribeiro, 2005). There has been no previous record of predation on R. crucifer by a giant water bug, making this the first. Some “reptiles” are the main predators of the genus Rhinella, while records of predation by invertebrates are rare (Oliveira et al., 2017). Our search returned 294 articles, of which 16 were used on this study. Our data show that most of the reported predation events by giant water bugs in Brazil involved small-sized anurans (Appendix 1). It seems likely that the larger size of adult Rhinella may be difficult for these invertebrates to capture and subjugate (Toledo et al., 2007). In the present case, however, the individual Lethocerus grandis was 41.7% larger than its prey. The present observation suggests that the hemipteran large size combined with its anesthetic saliva (Menke, 1979), was sufficient for the hemipteran to subjugate the toad.

Fig. 1.— Adult male of Rhinella crucifer being preyed on by Lethocerus grandis in southeastern Brazil (A and B).

Fig. 1.— Macho adulto de Rhinella crucifer siendo presa de Lethocerus grandis en el sureste de Brasil (A y B).



We thank ICMBio for license permits (#10504–1) and Vertambiental Consultoria, Projetos e Serviços by field support. CLA thanks CAPES (Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior) for PhD scholarship. RNF thanks Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico – CNPq for the productivity fellowship conceded. We thank Eduarda Melo and Erik Wild for the English review.


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Appendix 1.— Anurans preyed on by species of Belostomatidae family in Brazil.

Apéndice 1.— Anuros depredados por especies de la familia Belostomatidae en Brasil.

Family/species Stage Prey total length (mm) Predator Predator total length (mm) State Municipality Reference
Rhinela crucifer Adult 69.9 Lethocerus grandis 99.2 MG São Francisco do Glória This work
Rhinella mirandaribeiroi Adult - Lethocerus annulipes - MG João Pinheiro Valencia-Zuleta et al. 2020
Rhinela ornata* Juvenile - Lethocerus grandis SP Ubatuba Haddad & Bastos 1997
Rhinela ornata* Juvenile 68.2 Lethocerus grandis 95 SP Ubatuba Haddad & Bastos 1997
Boana albomarginata Imago - Lethocerus sp. - PE São Lourenço da Mata Santos 2009
Dendropsophus branneri Imago 19 Belostoma sp. - RN Macaíba Baracho et al. 2014
Dendropsophus jimi Juvenile 21.8 Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Toledo 2003
Dendropsophus minutus Adult 21.8 Lethocerus delpontei 58.9 ES São Matheus Bastos et al. 1994
Dendropsophus minutus Tadpole - Lethocerus sp. PE São Lourenço da Mata Santos 2009
Dendropsophus minutus Imago - Belostoma sp. PE São Lourenço da Mata Santos 2009
Dendropsophus minutus Juvenile 23.5 Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Santos 2009
Dendropsophus minutus Adult 24.3 Lethocerus sp. 31 AM Manaus Rocha et al. 2014
Dendropsophus minutus Tadpole - Lethocerus sp. - SP Águas de Santa Bárbara Serrano et al. 2019
Dendropsophus minutus Tadpole - Lethocerus sp. - SP Águas de Santa Bárbara Serrano et al. 2019
Dendropsophus minutus Imago - Lethocerus sp. - SP Águas de Santa Bárbara Serrano et al. 2019
Pseudis platensis Tadpole 83.3 Belostoma sp. 68 MS Corumbá Ceron et al. 2017
Scinax fuscovarius Adult - Lethocerus cf. bruchi - SP Borebi Maffei et al. 2014
Scinax sp. Adult 33.4-37 Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Toledo 2003
Scinax sp. Adult 34.6-36.7 Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Toledo 2003
Scinax sp. Adult 27.1 Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Toledo 2003
Scinax squalirostris - 19.5 Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Toledo 2003
Scinax x-signatus Adult 35 Lethocerus annulipes 66 RJ São João da Barra Figueiredo-de-Andrade et al. 2010
Leptodactylus labyrinthicus Juvenile - Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Toledo 2003
Leptodactylus pustulatus Tadpole 18.9 Belostoma sp. 30 TO Caseara Fadel et al. 2019
Physalaemus cf. fuscomaculatus Adult 40.5 Lethocerus sp. 62.2 MG Uberlândia Giaretta & Menin 2004
Physalaemus cuvieri - 26.1-29.2 Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Toledo 2003
Physalaemus fuscomaculatus - 41.6 Belostoma elongatum - SP Itirapina Toledo 2003
Physalaemus nattereri Adult 40 Lethocerus delpontei - GO Jataí Batista et al. 2013
Physalaemus nattereri Adult - Lethocerus annulipes - PR Diamante do Norte Batista et al. 2013
Physalaemus nattereri Adult - Lethocerus annulipes - MG João Pinheiro Valencia-Zuleta et al. 2020
Physalaemus nattereri Adult - Lethocerus annulipes - MG João Pinheiro Valencia-Zuleta et al. 2020
Physalaemus nattereri Adult - Lethocerus annulipes - MG João Pinheiro Valencia-Zuleta et al. 2020
Physalaemus nattereri Adult - Lethocerus annulipes - MG João Pinheiro Valencia-Zuleta et al. 2020
Chiasmocleis albopunctata Adult - Not identified - MG Santana do Riacho Yves et al. 2018

States abbreviations: PE – Pernambuco; RN – Rio Grande do Norte; ES – Espirito Santo; SP – São Paulo; AM – Amazonas; MS – Mato Grosso do Sul; RJ – Rio de Janeiro; GO – Goiás; PR – Paraná; MG – Minas Gerais and TO – Tocantins. * Treated as Bufo crucifer by Haddad & Bastos (1997).